Guest writer Paul Benjamin Osterlund, a graduate student of Turkish Studies with a specialization in Urban Studies at Sabanci University, writes from Taksim Square… [Read More…]

With Other People Think, artist Alfredo Jaar re-introduces John Cage’s earliest extended writing, composed at the age of 15 for the Southern California Oratorical contest. Cage delivered his speech on US/Latin American relations at the Hollywood Bowl in 1927, affirming his belief that silence is an opportunity to learn that other people think… [Read More…]

I saw an artist this weekend I interviewed a couple of years ago. We exchanged a few small words and then, wanting to connect in a more meaningful way, I caught his eyes with mine and asked, “Are you well?” “Yes, yes, just spread a little thin” he responded… [Read More…]

What is criticism? How is it similar to interpretation or akin to translation? Are these terms interchangeable? In seeking a direction for these questions, I think of the character of Kanai Dutt, from Amitav Ghosh’s 2005 novel The Hungry Tide, a translator by profession… [Read More…]

Last year I commented to a friend that there were actually a few advantages to being too old to pass for a student: the familiar chill of the galleries had begun to thaw. I had even developed a good rapport with some but all that ended this fall… [Read More…]